DIY Warm Cocoa Bath Soak




We all know how soothing a long soak in a warm bath can be. What makes it even better is to add some sweet-smelling bubble bath, bath fizzies, milk bath, or bath salts to your bath water. Some of our favorites are lavender, gardenia, freesia, and all kind of other yummy smells. But, let’s face it, in the entire world, what is everybody’s favorite thing? Well, it’s chocolate, of course. So, what could smell better than a cocoa bath?

We found a recipe online for a DIY homemade cocoa bath that really is to die for. It is two separate flavors of bath salts that you layer in a glass jar. One is white and the other is the brown cocoa bath salts. They will look pretty in your bathroom and soothe and soften your skin in the bath.

The pure white creamy milk bath contains three ingredients for soothing and softening skin. If you want to make just these bath salts, you could add your favorite fragrance to them and make them flowery smelling, like lavender. The cocoa bath salts also have three ingredients for reducing stress, soothing eczema, hydrating skin and keeping it clear, as well as relieving constipation and soothing muscle cramps and body aches. When you put the creamy milk bath and the cocoa bath salts together in your tub, you get a truly soothing bath experience.

And, these layered bath salts make a nice gift, too. If you know someone who also loves long warm baths and sweet-smelling bath salts, a nice jar of these would make a welcome gift. You can even download printable labels, too, for fancying up your jars.

You can find the complete easy-to-follow cocoa bath salts recipe, step-by-step directions, plenty of great-looking pictures, and free labels at here…

DIY Warm Cocoa Bath Soak


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