Do you enjoy making smoothies, but may not always have fresh fruit available? Most fruits that are used in a lot of smoothies might not be available throughout the year. A great idea is make fruit smoothie cubes to use when making a smoothie. This is something that is really easy to do.
All you need is some ice cube trays and a blender to make fruit smoothie cubes. The size of the tray for your cubes doesn’t really matter unless you want a perfect cube. If you prefer to have an item that can be used for baby food, then these will be perfect.
You can use any type of fruit to make fruit smoothie cubes. The most important tool for this project is a decent blender. The fruit needs to be pureed before adding it to your ice cube trays. You may find this is a great way to preserve fruit that may otherwise get thrown out.
Instructions to make your own fruit smoothie cubes are on here…