How To Make Herbal Steams For Colds & Congestion




Most people will agree that colds and congestion are the most annoying ailments of all. They normally don’t pose any serious health risks to you but they can really slow you down and completely ruin your focus. The worst part, however, is that no remedy seems to work. You try all the cold medicines that you can get from your local pharmacy but they don’t give you the results you expect. The truth is that while they may eventually work, it won’t be as fast as you want. Herbal steams may be the quick fix that people have been searching for.

Herbal steams are prepared by pouring very hot water over a bowl of herbs. You then lower your face towards the steaming bowl and cover your head with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping. Inhaling the steam from the herbs will unblock your nose and the medicinal properties of the herbs will help fight the cold. However, this is not the only way you can inhale this steam. You can get the same benefits by using a few drops of essential oils which are normally made from similar herbs. If you find inhaling the steam directly a daunting task you can apply a few drops of essential oil on a bath cloth then place it on the floor directly below the shower. The hot water from the shower will cause the oil to vaporize and you will inhale its effects as you shower.

Quite a number of herbs can be used to make effective herbal steams. Eucalyptus and peppermint are two of the more common ones. The oils contained in eucalyptus help reduce congestion and inflammation of the mucus membrane. While is reduces congestion and is great for your skin. Peppermint is also widely available and you can even use peppermint tea bags to make your herbal steam. We think you will be thrilled with how effective herbs are at treating colds and congestion and are a powerful alternative to conventional medicines.

To find out more about the various herbs you can use to make herbal steams and for more information on how to make them visit here…

How To Make Herbal Steams For Colds & Congestion


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